Thursday 1 November 2012

Classic Album Review, Metallica, Load

Metallica, Load (Vertigo-1996)

So a blog on albums that did not sell enough or that were over looked. And I pick this, a five million selling album done by a band at the time at the height of there success.

I pick this as at the time it was absolutely slated. And I mean by EVERYONE! Fans, press and even the own record company. Many of the fans blamed that fact it was not thrash metal or too rock. But it is a good album with thrash influences and it showcases the backbone of rock and metal in the use of blues.

The album was a change in style as the last album sold so many album that I can't even be bothered looking it up. When you sell that much the next album will be a disappointment. And I have it here as I think the band got it right and made a great album that stands the test of time. Taking things back to the blues is nothing new as much of what a metal/rock guitarist plays are blues scales. 

The big problem here are the ones listening to the music. It is normal for an artist to make albums in a certain style and with success never move from that. But musicans should always want to learn and that is all that has happened here. Five years after the last album and the band have changed as have there musical tastes.

Listening to music for most is done in a certain way. Say driving home from work, before going out or just when plain lazy. I have albums I listen to for my different moods, days of the week or even times of the year (Its amazing how great Jimmy Cliff sounds on a sunny day). I think the typical headbanner listens to Metallica in the rock bar/club and expects the same again. They bought this but never listened to it, really listened I mean.

Much like my Sex Pistols blog I will not bore you with a full review but give a bit of extra info on this album. First up the cover. A great cover and by far the best Metallica ever has had. Done by Andres Serrano, many fans disliked it but I fear they don't get it. The contents of the cover is simply human blood and seamen. Yes it's official name is "Semen and Blood III" Looking at the cover again you can see why it caused problems when released. This only happened when press found out what it was as the name of the cover is not printed in the CD booklet.

As the album is coming out the normal tour dates go out to support the album. And again the fans show anger towards the band and not because of the music or artwork but when the posters of the band went up in France the sales of the tour tickets stopped instantly. Reason being simply the band cut there hair. And I am not kidding, stated by Hetfield himself. Also add in eye makeup on some of the members (Kirk and Lars mainly) some right old school homophobia came out of some fans. Amazing to think it is 1996 there were  knuckle dragging so called music fans that consider someone gay cause of a hair cut and make up. Again this album is here as I think the album got rid of those idiots no band or artist want. Who wants a homophobic/racist/bigoted fan base? 

One of the single 'Mama Said' cause more fans to throw out there albums. And I am not joking, there were fans who destroyed the albums due to the previous events. Yeah I know that is a simplistic chosen few but it did happen. This song is simply James Hetfield playing a ballad with an acoustic guitar. Just not what a thrash metal fan wants to hear. But the song is about Hetfield's troubled relationship with his mother (Who died when he was 16). For some fans thing go from bad to worse and on the video James is wearing a cowboy hat. Ha ha, yes that pissed of some as well. So add in the country, make up and short hair. Wow it was all over eh? 

This album split fans so much the follow up (Reload) was re recorded and made more heavy. The band felt the pressure and made that one more what the fans were after. But in doing so make a crap album. It even sold far less than this. Some of the music here is so well done and at times very personal. 'Mama Said' has a great feel to it, honest and to the point. 'Bleeding Me' is a hidden gem and a song about the inner daemons of the lead singer. it was redone in 1999 on the 'S & M' album with a full orchestra and it really comes alive then. It has the rock/metal tracks as well check out 'King Nothing' a song so good it persuaded me to pick up a bass guitar. 'Ain't My bitch' should have been a single. 'Poor Twisted Me' is as fast and raw as this album gets and does it well. 

It was 1996 and the hair metal of the 80s had died as had the Grunge bands of the early 90s. They took a gamble and I like to think it paid off. Albums after this sold less but I take that as a positive. The kids that got this may have liked it and stayed with the band. This recycling is why they can still be here now. When I saw the band in 1999 the crowd were 90% my age (at the time 19) and enjoying a great line up of bands that would never have shared the stage with Metallica in the 80s. The band moved on and took some fans with them.

Next time you see a Metallica fan in a music shop and they are looking at a Nick Cave CD ask em if they like this album. 

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