Friday 9 November 2012

Classic Album Review, Kicked in the Teeth, Zeke

Zeke, Kicked in the Teeth (Epitaph Records-1998)

This album is one of those great punk albums that you just don't get too often. Formed in 1993 they put out a couple of great albums before signing with Epitaph in 98. Great move by Epitaph as I think they were easily capable of gaining more sales and fans. There all out punk rock at the time could have easily taken fans of Green Day and the Offspring with them. They had paid there dues in touring and releasing on indi labels but for some reason the sales never happened. 

Album number three should be a walk in the park and it was for them this is fast as you can go. Mix Motorhead, Slayer and the Ramones and you have Zeke. First track sets it off and gets you going. Simple lines of lyrics bit like Discharge (same sentence over and over). Big rhythm guitar in this much like Johnny Ramones machine gun trashiness back in the 70s. Now this is fast and so far typing this one paragraph I am onto track four.

Ha ha yes that fast I really can't review the album in a song by song fashion as some tracks barley make it out of 60 seconds. track four is 'Twisted' much like the music but this one is one of the slower songs but vocals by Blind Marky Felchtone make sure it stays with you. 

With a decent size label and a pretty simple sound the album is easy to record, it sounds well produced but just enough looseness to satisfy hardened punk fans. Solos are very quick and more like a riff at times like in 'Dogfight' bending the strings at the right time repeated can make more of a rock and roll noise than the most flashy solo. If done right of course, and it is here. The drums are so repetitive the drummer must have RSI. Relentless is all I can say, no big drum fills or build ups for a song. Forget atmosphere and building up a feeling to the music. This will catch you and take you on a roller coaster ride to hell. 

Sometimes a trip in hell is needed and an album needs just to kick your arse and show you what it really is all about. Punk music has been so raped by the music industry I think kids really don't know how to rock at times. The one and only time I saw this band live was at the Arena in Glasgow (Fuck that shows my age). Third song in the singer is throwing himself about the stage and falls over and breaks his arm. Gig over! ha ha. 

There is a cover here and it is a Kiss cover. Thankfully it is one of the best songs they done in 'Shout it out Loud' respect paid and respect back as it is a great cover. This album still 14 years later gets a spin and every time I do play it I look at the cd player thinking I am on track two when it is really on track five. I love that in an album and the whole thing is over in 20 minutes. As Joe Strummer used to say "get it over and done as people are busy and have things to do" well said. This album is best for pre night out drinks and/or a 20 minute bus ride to work. But if playing it on the bus make sure everyone else can hear it so they know you are having a good time. It will piss them off.

I am not sure why the band didn't make it bigger as the punk bands were still selling well in 98. They did seem to be connected with the skater style bands and fans so they could have been pigeonholed into that area. I know they have had songs on the Tony Hawk games. But what a punk album to miss out on. Well not anymore eh?

If pissed off play it, if happy play it and if it is only 20 minutes long play it again.

Kicked in the Teeth is easily available to download but track for track it will cost ya ;-)

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