Thursday 15 May 2014

Frank Black and the Catholics, Frank Black and the Catholics

Frank Black and the Catholics, Frank Black and the Catholics (SpinART-1998)

Here is the worlds first album to be made available on the MP3 format. And fitting in that the low fi quality of the format fits so well with this album. Rumored to have been recorded on a two track and all played live. The record company at the time refused to release something so unpolished.

But Black Francis is not the sort of person to sit about and wait, he went on and done other work. This was almost slipped out to the public with no real fanfare. Shame as it is a really catchy album with amazing songs. It is simply a rock album, nothing fancy and with some nice slower acoustic numbers to help balance it all out. Where the Pixies could be for some a little to alt rock this is quite easy for all to like. More of a punk feel in some of the guitar work but that is due to the way it was recorded.

"All My Ghosts" kicks in with a great pop punk attitude, catchy lyrics that you instantly remember and sing along to. Some of the count ins are left in on the record 1, 2, 3, 4, "Back To Rome" shows how great at lyrics he can be. Keeping the music simple and the melody the main aspect in all songs it is one great tune after another. His voice suits it all perfectly. "Do You Feel Bad About It?" is my personal favorite, so easy to play and sing to. Even this crappy guitar player/none singer can have fun with this.

"Dog Gone" could have been a big hit if the record company had it there way. No need for a big producer and a 128 track machine. Few harmonies and an acoustic and the track sounds like five grand better than most pop acts.

The band are happy to indulge in other styles and "Sis Sixty-six" has a nice country feel to it. You could be fooled into tapping that foot. "Steak 'n' Sabre" has some nice slide sounding guitar work, the band love to play. There are plenty of great tracks on this album and all get you as bigger and better than most albums that cost £100,000 to make.

You really do not notice the album was recorded in such a raw way and that is testament to the songwriting and the skills of the band. Music like this now would be massive as so many of the big popular rock bands on Radio 1 are missing that catchy tune or as we have here tunes. Black Francis really never sat still after the Pixies and many fans of the former band have missed this one.

The record company made a big balls up here, missing out on one amazing album, many bands that came and went during the britpop era could only dream of making music this fast and easy. If the album was out in 95 I may not have needed to put it here. The album was held back by the company hoping something would happen in the mainstream to fit this in. But the album is timeless. Some press and live TV could have made this sell a truck load. Failing that plenty of church goers may have got it as a mistake. And there reward is a great rock n roll album.

Twitter: 29xthefun 

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