Friday 18 April 2014

F-Minus, F Minus

F-Minus, F-Minus (Hellcat, 1999)

I really do not know much on this band at all, coming from California and this being there debut album. At the time punk was sort of coming back in a real way. Green Day and other pop/punk bands kind of re ignited many younger people into the style. But this is for many fans of that music a little bit of a progression. Out with the pop part and well simply a real punk band.

Well it is more of a crossover in a way, I am happy to add them to the hardcore  bands from the time and I think live they could be as solid as many who were about in the late 90s. But anyhow I am not debating what/why they are but why you should get this album.

Again it is not all sing along but it is shout along stuff. The first track is a whopping 35 seconds long. This gives you an idea of what is on offer. But it is done very thoughtfully as many of the tracks really do gel into each other very well. "Slave Labor" is a title that may not get it listed on radio one but for me it gets my ears interested. The 90s were all about pop punk and then into skate punk. I really didn't give two fucks about those bands. Where I grew up if you went about dressed like that you were looked on as a rich kid. And most likely would get mugged.

Tim Armstrong (Rancid) produces this album and I think he done a great job, simply play. The drums at times sound bad and very much un professional but that gives this album its real spite. The constant kick on the bass drum that sounds like it is 25 years old and so far out off tune it would make the big name producers cry. By the way this band were later produced my Steve Albini so there sound really was catching peoples attention.

The songs do have at times some nice melodic parts, mostly in the vocals. Feel free to raise a fist and shout along as that is what it is all about. Many bands were making it and I think F-Minus were given much respect but the sales were not there. Later moving to Epitaph who have many times sold a shed load for punk bands. I have no idea why this band didn't make it as many hardcore band don't entice the punks to listen and this band did easily cross the border of the two styles. I had friends into punk liking them as much as UKHC (UK hardcore) fans.

If you like early Black Flag and much of the music on the Dischord label early days this album will slot right in and make that hellish bus ride to work on a Monday just a little bit easier. I makes me want to accidentally whack my guitar out of tune and make a hell of a racket. Job done!

Very easy to get this via Amazon indi sellers here

Twitter: 29xthefun

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