Wednesday 17 October 2012

Classic Album Review, Ian McNabb, Head Like a Rock

Classic Album Review, Ian McNabb, Head Like a Rock (This Way Up-1994)

This album from the lead singer of the Icicle Works was a Mercury Nominated album released back in 1994. A straight forward rock album, nothing fancy here ten songs that rock.

Well it has a bit more than that, Ian had made his previous album 'Truth and Beauty' the year before. And I have to say I don't really like it. That aside it was ok but not great, his first album should have been good as the Icicle Works were at the end just him in the studio with hired musicians on the road.

This album is really just a continuation of his debut solo but a little louder. To me it sounds more fun, loose and overall just skillful. The songs are all pretty simple but delivered in fine form. Solos sound great but not over the top. Add in a big backing band...

Crazy Horse. Yes Neil Young's backing band. Apparently after making his last album was wound up by the studio engineer about his rock days are behind him. Returning to Liverpool he made a demo, the record label teased saying it sounds like Crazy Horse. Ian was happy to record with Crazy Horse if the record company could get them. Well a few phone calls later and Ian is on a flight to LA.

Before heading to the US he managed to write three more songs for the recording with Crazy horse. After that the best session musicians in the city played on this. It is rare that an album sounds this good with so many people playing in different songs. It is odd but it just worked, the album runs so well you can not notice any difference in the music.

With limited time Crazy Horse only recorded four songs and the first three and last song is by them and Ian. Album opener 'Fire Inside My Soul' should have been a big hit, it could have been. Big bold sound and guitar riffs all over the place. I love how easy the music is to play but how well its played. It is like making a cup of tea but with the best tea and milk the world has to offer. A catchy song that will stay with you forever, Ian's lyrics will make sure of that. From the heart and not the wallet.

'You Must Be Prepared To Dream' again another single and bad news it missed the top 40. Why, why why!? One listen and you want to buy the album. Quickly written for this the band really show how good they are as it was pretty much all done live. Jamming can at times make some of the best music. Again just some simple riffs that plugs away at you. Ian has one of the most underrated voices in the UK. His vocals here are powerful and all that matters is he means it.

One thing that can be understood in how this was not a chart hit was the song lengths. Track one and two are over that big 3 minute pop song for the radio.

The third Crazy Horse song is over 9 minutes and again as good as the rest. 'Child Inside A Father' was recorded on the strongest cannabis Ian has ever had. The zone the band were in could not be broken and a defining start to a song with Ian standing all over his guitar pedals and then off into a fantastic song, the amp used was destroyed on this song, worth a listen eh?

'Still Got The Fever' takes us back to planet earth and classic McNabb vocals. Big choruses backed up by a church choir and some nice keyboards done again in a church organ sound. Grab a mate for a sing along here.

Some classic acoustic rock in 'Potency' gets you foot tapping into the funky sounding 'Go Into The Light' a song that makes you ask where this was made (LA) oh right thats why its so fun.

Next song is adding into the American sound and some steal guitar (It is actually called a Dobro) adds a nice touch, mouth organ and a great slow number. 'Sad Strange Solitary Catholic Mystic' continues the acoustic feel but the feet is not tapping as much. A very eerie song that is played very slowly with some nice Cello, Violin arrangements to keep the feel.

Last song 'May You Always' is the fourth and final Crazy Horse song. It is a mellow and thoughtful ending to the album. The band show all there skills here, from when not to play and let Ian's voice do the hard work. One thing you should do is listen to Ian's lyrics, they can be very easy to dismiss but at times it really is such amazing lines of poetry.

And again another addition to an album that has been missed. Ian McNabb is still making music and touring but I think this album was his time to break it big. But not so, people didn't buy it even after the music press liking it. As I said it was nominated for the Mercury Music Prize. But back then it was uncool and the winners were M People (I ain't kidding). Ian took his mother to the celebration with a slight hope of winning. It should not matter but now looking back it may have helped. M People may not be around but they did sell a truck load of music (10 platinum awards) in the UK.

Just before this album was recorded Ian helped a mate record a few songs. As he was a mate it was done for a few drinks and a few quid. The mate was Ian Broudie, the album Jollification. Just shows how well he was writing at that point eh?

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