Friday 2 March 2012

Classic Album Review. Swans, The Burning World

Swans, The Burning World (MCA 1989)

They made it! Finally on a major label and the band have a chance to finally make some money from the torture that is playing small venues.
But signed to MCA they had to compromise and this was done with Bill Laswell
as the producer. Nothing bad can be said about the man and he is a great producer but Michael Gira has felt that his inclusion on the record was really the record company making sure the album was commercial enough for selling.

Many Swans fans see this album as a big change in direction but for me it was obvious a change had to be made. The industrial post-punk noise was great but it is now 1989 and the 90s are coming. One thing is sure this album was a change in direction for later albums as the band did not go back to the sound they had before this. 
Still heavily influenced by folk music the album seems to have a barrier around it as if they were confined to one room of a house. The harsh industrial material from earlier albums totally missing from this album.

Opener 'The River That Runs Red With Love' feels like the band are jamming in the studio but it does make sense. The backing musicians doing a great job and focusing on making songs rather than music. 
One thing about this album is Michael Gira's vocals are so weak and I think that is why Jarboe gets main vocals on some of the songs. 'Can't Find My Way Home' could have been on a soundtrack to a Hollywood film with clean vocals and a nice acoustic accompaniment.
'Saved' was a single and a great introduction to the band. Michael is the lead vocal on this song and it works. With a major label behind them new fans could have been made by this single.
Back to Jarboe and 'I Remember Who You Are' takes front stage, a real classy song that has very little else apart from her voice and basic guitar work. To many people Jarboe may not be singing properly but define why it is proper or not? She makes you listen and want to understand and use repeat on the CD player.
Last track feels as if it is the end, lyrics that could make you rip the CD out of the player with drinking, depression and loosing a loved one. Memories of past albums may have come to mind and possibly ideas of the bands future after this track. 'God Damn the Sun' is a track that Gira has now made a side project of, with the solo acoustic folk/country mix of down tuned rock music that is called The Angels of the Light.

This album may have at the time seemed the end of Swans but for some and mostly people who get into them in later years this is just the start. The album famously only sold 5000 copies in the UK and that was it, dropped by the label and next up was an amazing solo album by Jarboe and another three amazing Swans album that all seem to have stolen something from this album.
The people in the suits took a gamble on this band and for them it failed. But for us they went on to there own label in Young God Records and kept on going not only releasing there own music but some from other artists.

This is one that got away and if you do own it I suggest having a listen again. If new to Swans then start here and move onto the next album 'Love of Life' for a real full on Swans album.

This album has never been re released but tracks are available over 'Various Failures' and the website only 'Forever Burned'

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