Saturday 14 December 2013

Dragonforce, Inhuman Rampage

Dragonforce, Inhuman Rampage (Roadrunner-2006)

Who likes power metal?

Hey no sniggering at the back! I am serious I like some power metal now and then. It reminds me of the American Wrestling with all the theater and show, add in a story and the big production it can be very entertaining. Then I have seen UK wrestling, nothing like America put it like that.

Like wrestling the UK was very bad at making power metal bands and even metal music for some time. Enter this band who had a few album out before this amazing piece of work. Guitarist Herman Li got this band going as he could not find a band who wanted to play his style (very fast solo like power metal) so he made one himself. Fast forward a few great album and the band had a change in sound a little. The change was to add in more solos and more guitars (no joke).

"Through The Fire And Flames" kicks it off in one hell of a style. The song has a great name and I think they can walk through fire and flame. The drums are none stop but still play in time to the melody. The songs here are very melodic and also very much a track for the metal clubs. The opratic vocals add that theme that I talked about, nice and clean vocals with words you can hear and sing along to. Hey it works for Abba.

"Revolution Deathsquad" is like a tribute to all metal bands and solos ever. There is even some riff tributes included but not done in a cheesy way at all. Solo after solo after solo...  I joke not, it is guitars and melodic riffs to the max the singer has time for a part-time job here. But so bloody good. Any guitar player has to hear this and I do not mean in a Eddie Van Halen way as he did something unique. This has been done before in over say five albums.

Sitting back and listening you do feel it is all production and studio work much like Hulk Hogan was in his 50s and could never do what he does without the gimmicks and set up. I have seen the band live and they are like this! They have gimmicks just as good with a Keytar and trampolines to jump off from and throw shapes.

"Operation Ground And Pound" has a real classic power metal sound with the keyboards being used as the intro but all is over soon and guitars kick in. Each song really does have a nice meladic vocal section and for people who sing in the shower you can do it here as well. But just don't expect to get round of applause at the next karaoke.

 Last track is the radio friendly ballad. "Trail Of Broken Hearts" is one for the people who enjoy a few drinks and like a slower number. Throw out the Bon Jovi and have this track.

Amazing thing about this album is it was a big hit in the UK. Selling over 100,000 copies it went gold here and gave roadrunner a very rare Gold album. Much deserved and I think I have this hear for the fans outside the UK.

Hey if you don't like it do as Hulk says "say your prayers, take your vitamins ..."

If you do get it get me a foam finger as a reward.

Easily available all over the world via Roadrunner.

Twitter: 29xthefun

Monday 9 December 2013

Hole - My Body, The Hand Grenade

Hole - My Body, The Hand Grenade (City Slang-1997)

The first three Hole albums are quite different in contents. The jump from the first to the third is quite a leap, more so to the radio audience that seem to be attracted to Hole, sometimes due to the Nirvana connection.

The first two albums have got a good bit to do with each other, very punky and all out rock. But album number three was being made and also made with a big help from Billy Corgan who has writing credits on all the hit singles. A change in direction was the plan. This album is there to explain how the change happens.

Rewind back to a time the band was just a garage style punk band making demos. That is what the first tracks here are. This is a compilation album made up of demo, live and B sides. The early material is what is appealing here as it is so raw. The bands first song "Turpentine" starts the album off and with low production and little direction it sounds fantastic. Love is a great performer and you can feel it all over this song. A riff and some fast drumming as all you need at times if it is right.

"Phonebill song" continues the raw sound but captures it all again. You tend to hear this style of demo all the time but some of the songs here are first attempts in a real studio. And I think that adds to the appeal here as they were just so raw at the start of the bands career. Celebrity Skin really does sound like another band.

"Retard Girl" is a song that would never make the radio, it is a narrative of a girl being abused and made fun of in a playground/school. It is very much a strong subject but bands writing this early have to have something to write. All the songs follow a similar pattern in the music but for most of the time it sounds really good with the lyrics. It would be odd to sing of rape and the likes with a nice we melodic into and riff.

Cobain fans will like the "Beautiful Son" as it makes fun of his cross dressing when he was younger. There is even a song credited to him here "Old Age" was recorded for Nevermind but rejected later. Love then added her ideas to the song. From what I know is the intro is on track seven of Live Through This but in a much rockier sound. Also this version has totally new lyrics. Again hearing a band evolve is so interesting and seeing how one song can go between two bands and songwriters and a full year is great to hear. This version is an acoustic number and shows Love in a more melodic voice. This is a very basic sound again with another acoustic and possibly even a little acoustic bass to make it bigger.

Later tracks are covers and MTV Unplugged tracks. The album does seem to run very well as the live stuff mixes in well with the albums sound due to the demo quality. A great album and artistically the band had so much more to give. Love has so much to sing/rage about that it is a shame the band have only done four studio album. If you like any of the two albums by this band give this a go.

For me this is my favorite Hole album. But my taste in music is quite different and you don't come here for Oasis reviews.

This album was only released in the UK and Europe and is hard to find, second hand is the best bet with copies on E bay easy to get.

Twitter: 29xthefun